Meet your local pet sitter in Loxahatchee, FL. House and Hound Care offers professional, licensed, and insured pet care services.  Our pet sitters provide trusted, loving care when you can’t be there. We have an excellent reputation, and we offer a free introduction visit to go over your routine before you leave town.

Why choose our Pet Sitter in Loxahatchee, FL

  • We love animals, and we are knowledgeable about pet care
  • Our Company is Licensed, Insured and Bonded
  • Our dog walks are GPS tracked with time and map
  • We send our clients daily updates with photos
  • 24/7 service all year round, rain or shine
  • We are an accredited member of Pet Sitters International
  • We love giving the best pet sitting service
  • Check out our Google reviews

Our Pet Sitting services in Loxahatchee, FL

  • Daily Dog Walking
  • Cat Sitting Visits
  • Dog Sitting in the Pet Sitter’s home
  • Overnight Pet Sitting in your Home
  • Vacation Pet Care
  • Short and Long-Term House Sitting
  • Pet Transportation

Pet Sitter and Dog Walker in Loxahatchee, FL

Loxahachee Pet SitterHi, my name is Hanane, and I am one of your pet sitters in Loxahatchee, FL. I am a passionate and knowledgeable dog sitter, I am a proud mama of a 4-year-old Belgian malinois named Radar, and I have watched over family and friends’ puppies, cats, lizards, turtles, and rabbits because all animals are innocent and beautiful and we need to care more for them! 

Your beloved pet will be in great hands!


Pet Sitting Pricing in Loxahatchee, FL

Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Visits

Pet Sitting

15 minutes visit $20
30 minutes visit $25
1 hour visit $40

There is a $5 surcharge on weekends and visits requested for before 7 AM and after 7 PM

50% surcharge on major holidays: New years day, 4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas

Dog Boarding in the Pet Sitters’ Home

Overnight Pet Sitting

Small to medium size dogs $60/day
Larger dogs (over 25 pound) $70/day

We only take care of a limited number of well-behaved, social dogs in our home.

Overnight Pet Sitting in your Home

Dog Boarding in the pet sitter's home

Overnight pet sitting in your home $80
$20 surcharge for weekends and holidays

This service is between 9 pm and 6 am and includes two walks, one when we arrive and one before we leave your home. (You probably will need one or two additional visits during the day if you have a dog.

Pet sitting reviews in Loxahatchee, FL

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