Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Jobs in SE Florida

  • This job starts part-time. Pet sitting is perfect for people who are flexible with time but have another source of income for a couple of weeks/months while we establish a regular client base in your area. We work very well with students who are taking online classes and have a flexible schedule or people who are semi-retired.
  • We are looking for pet sitters with consistent weekly availability. Our busiest times are 7-9 a.m., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 6-8 p.m. daily.
  • Our pet sitters are assigned to cover pet-sitting visits within a 5-7 mile radius of their home.
  • Instant communication is very important for our company and our clients. We expect our pet sitters to be responsive on their smartphones and to have reliable transportation.
  • A professional attitude and love of all animals is a must, and we background search all applicants.

We pay $12 for a 15-minute visit, $15 for a 30-minute visit, and $24 for a one-hour visit. We pay an extra $3 if the visit is on the weekend or after 7 p.m., and we pay 50% more on visits during major holidays. 

Please watch our video first, then apply below.